Are you ready to become a Hero of SwissBorg? We are thrilled to announce the launch of our first Hero Score program, where you can earn points and unlock superpowers. We designed this 10 week challenge - the first season of the Hero Score - to guide you through the SwissBorg ecosystem, whilst accessing unique opportunities along the way.
What is the Hero Score program?
The Hero Score program is an exciting, 10-week long opportunity for our community to earn points and unlock rewards by completing actions that help SwissBorg, the CHSB token and therefore our community. By earning points, you can unlock milestone based superpowers that help you level-up your hero status.
How does it work?
Throughout the season, you can earn points by completing various actions such as buying and holding CHSB, subscribing to earn strategies, and investing in Thematics. On top of activity-based actions, you will also receive points for your loyalty to SwissBorg.
As you accumulate more points, you'll unlock different reward tiers (called milestones) with exclusive benefits such as governance utilities, access to exclusive opportunities, receiving up to 50% in weekly CHSB cashbacks on your exchange fees, and more. There are multiple milestones to reach, and each one will grant you a different level of rewards. The more points you earn, the better the rewards you can unlock.
What are the rewards?
There are four reward milestones that you can reach as you accumulate points, and each milestone unlocks a different superpower. We'll be revealing the details of each milestone and superpower in a separate article on the first day of the season, so stay tuned!
Why should you participate?
By participating in the Hero Score program, you'll be contributing to the SwissBorg ecosystem and strengthening of the CHSB token, which in turn helps the SwissBorg community. Plus, you'll have the chance to earn rewards and unlock superpowers as you climb the Hero Score leaderboard.
How can you get started?
Getting started with the Hero Score program is simple! Complete our sign-up form to opt-in to the first season, which will be shared on social media and via email. From there, you'll receive regular updates on the program and tips on how to earn points and unlock superpowers.
The deadline to opt-in is Apr 30, 2023, don’t miss out!
Hero Score season 1 begins on May 1, 2023.
Are you ready to get your superpowers and become a SwissBorg Hero? Join the Hero Program today and help shape the future of finance!