You read it right, CBorgs are finally coming to life!
Following SwissBorg’s successful fundraiser, with almost $20 million raised, thanks to more than 15 '000 participants, we have decided to offer a final surprise to thank our Series A investors. SwissBorg’s official mascot, the CyBorg, is starting an adventure in the NFTs space, and you are invited to tag along!
What are CBorgs?
CBorgs are part of an NFT collection, also known as a Profile Picture (PFP) collection, that was introduced in June 2022. We wanted to launch this collection in the right conditions. As a result of the market movements during that period, we have taken the decision to take a step back, rethink the offering and wait for a more exciting time to release them.
Well, the time has come!
So, what are the utilities?
In a very classic manner, the utility we will be focusing on is the PFP. CBorgs have been designed with countless traits and that are all unique, making them a perfect digital representation of one’s journey in crypto.
In the short run, we are not going to promise large airdrops, a metaverse or a video game. CBorgs will always favour underpromising and surprising, rather than overpromising and misleading. However, one utility CBorg NFT holders can look forward to is that they will be granted early access to the upcoming semi-custodial SwissBorg Wallet. This is an exciting upcoming feature that SwissBorg is hoping to release during the year, and we will be communicating more about by the team working on it.

How do I know if I am eligible?
Here are the criteria to be eligible, depending on your premium tier:

What is a free mint: A free mint means that we will give you a guaranteed allocation to mint 1 NFT at a cost of $0 (over a defined period of time). Please note that you will have to cover Gas fees from the Ethereum network, we will make sure that we give enough time to everyone to pick the best time to mint their CBorgs so that they pay as little in gas fees as possible.
Please note that your investment in Series A provides you with shares, the CBorgs NFT is a perk you receive on top of your purchase of shares.
For those who can’t invest in Series A, will there be a public sale? We are not able to answer this question as of right now, but it will be possible to buy CBorgs off the secondary market directly if we decide not to conduct a public sale.
What is the supply: The supply is not defined yet, as we will adapt it according to the number of eligible investors from the Series A sale. It will, however, be fixed.
How many CBorgs can I mint: Each eligible investor can free mint a maximum of 1 CBorgs NFT.
When Mint: The mint is planned to happen at the end of Q2 2023, so most likely in June.
Is it retroactive:
Yes it is. Any investor who meets the requirements over the time of Series A will be eligible. The snapshot will be taken on March 31st, 2023.
Please note that the end of series A fundraiser - is Friday, March 31st, 2023 at 08:00PM CET.
Where can I follow the updates of the CBorgs project?
The official SwissBorg channel will relay important information, but you can follow the CBorgs Twitter to find out more on a regular basis.
What’s next?
We will contact every eligible investor via email in the second half of April. You will be asked to share an ETH address to confirm your spot for the mint. Don’t worry we will give you enough information and time.
Thank you for sharing our passion! We look forward to your involvement in the community.